Wagtail Content Types Reporter

This command will find all objects of a specific content type (limited by configuration) and output a report of links to the admin edit pages.


The command can be dropped into any app folder as per the django management command folder structure and run with:

python manage.py report_types
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How it might be useful:

The command is designed to be used locally, during development and will require a good dataset to be most useful (e.g. a copy of the staging/production database)

It is recommended that you run the command with a superuser account.

Scenario: A client has reported a particular page type is not working as expected in the admin interface. Let's assume they mention it's a custom page type called FeaturedPage that potentially could only ever be added as a child of a specific page type. It could be time consuming to browse through pages and find a page to test.

Usage: Just run the command to see all content types and then enter the contenttype ID from the list to show admin edit urls for all objects of that type.

# app-name/management/commands/report_types.py

from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from wagtail.admin.admin_url_finder import AdminURLFinder
from wagtail.admin.utils import get_admin_base_url
from wagtail.contrib.settings.registry import registry as settings_registry
from wagtail.models import Page
from wagtail.snippets.models import get_snippet_models

class Command(BaseCommand):
    Report on content types in the project.

    This command will generate a list of all the content types in the project
    along with their contenttype ID. The contenttype ID can be entered to generate a report of all
    the admin edit pages of that type.

    The command is only available in DEBUG mode. Set DEBUG=True in your settings to enable it.

        python manage.py report_types

    excluded_apps = []

    apps_prefix = "" # optional [your-project-directory]

    registered_modeladmin = [
        # add model admin models as they cannot be auto detected. For example ...

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
            help="The URL to check",

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        """Report on content types in the project."""

        if not settings.DEBUG:
                "Command is only available in DEBUG mode. Set DEBUG=True in your settings to enable it."

        self.out_message_warning("\nUsing this command:")
        self.out_message("Enter a C-Type ID from the list below")
        self.out_message("to view a report of all the admin edit pages of that type.")

        content_types = ContentType.objects.filter(
            app_label__in=self.get_apps_for_report(self.apps_prefix, self.excluded_apps)
        ).order_by("model", "app_label")

        if not content_types:
            self.out_message_warning("No content types found.")

        # Generate the index
        content_type_pages = self.get_contenttype_for_pages(content_types)
        content_type_snippets = self.get_contenttype_for_snippets(content_types)
        content_type_modeladmin = self.get_contenttypes_for_modeladmin(content_types)
        content_type_settings = self.get_contenttypes_for_settings(content_types)

        all_content_types = {

        if not all(all_content_types):
            self.out_message_error("No content types found.")

        self.out_table(content_type_pages, "Page")
        self.out_table(content_type_snippets, "Snippet")
        self.out_table(content_type_modeladmin, "ModelAdmin")
        self.out_table(content_type_settings, "Settings")

        # Get the index and generate the report
            index = int(input("\nC-Type ID: "))
        except ValueError:
            self.out_message_error("Value must be an integer.")

        if index not in all_content_types:
            self.out_message_error(f"Invalid C-Type ID: {index}")

        self.out_edit_links(options, all_content_types[index])

    def get_contenttypes_for_settings(self, content_types):
        content_type_settings = dict()
        settings_models = []
        for model in settings_registry:

        for content_type in content_types:
            model_str = f"{content_type.app_label}.{content_type.model}"
            if model_str in settings_models:
                content_type_settings[content_type.id] = [

        return content_type_settings

    def get_contenttypes_for_modeladmin(self, content_types):
        content_type_modeladmin = dict()
        modeladmin_models = [model.lower() for model in self.registered_modeladmin]

        for content_type in content_types:
            model_str = f"{content_type.app_label}.{content_type.model}"
            if model_str in modeladmin_models:
                content_type_modeladmin[content_type.id] = [

        return content_type_modeladmin

    def get_contenttype_for_snippets(self, content_types):
        content_type_snippets = dict()
        snippet_models = [model.__name__.lower() for model in get_snippet_models()]

        for content_type in content_types:
            if content_type.model in snippet_models:
                content_type_snippets[content_type.id] = [

        return content_type_snippets

    def get_contenttype_for_pages(self, content_types):
        content_type_pages = dict()

        for content_type in content_types:
            if issubclass(content_type.model_class(), Page):
                content_type_pages[content_type.id] = [

        return content_type_pages

    def out_table(self, data, model_type=None):
        self.out_message_info(f"\nIndex of {model_type} Types")

        headers = ["Model", "App", "C-Type ID"]
        max_col_width = self.calc_col_width(data)

        self.out_message("-" * max_col_width * len(headers))
            " ".join([f"{header: <{max_col_width}}" for header in headers])
        self.out_message("-" * max_col_width * len(headers))

        for key, row in data.items():
                " ".join([f"{col: <{max_col_width}}" for col in row]) + f" {key}"

        self.out_message("-" * max_col_width * len(headers))

    def calc_col_width(self, data):
        max_col_width = 0
        for row in data.values():
            for col in row:
                if len(col) > max_col_width:
                    max_col_width = len(col)

        max_col_width += 2  # add some right padding
        return max_col_width

    def out_edit_links(self, options, data):
        model = apps.get_model(data[1], data[0])
        objects = model.objects.all()

        self.out_message_success(f"\nEdit Links for {data[0]}")
        self.out_message("-" * 70)

        title_field = None

        if hasattr(model, "title"):
            title_field = "title"
        elif hasattr(model, "name"):
            title_field = "name"

        for obj in objects:
            if title_field:
                t = getattr(obj, title_field)
                title = t[:30] + "..." if len(t) > 30 else t
            self.out_message(f"{self.get_admin_edit_url(options, obj)}\n\n")

    def out_message_warning(self, message):

    def out_message(self, message):

    def out_message_error(self, message):

    def out_message_info(self, message):

    def out_message_success(self, message):

    def get_admin_edit_url(options, obj):
        admin_url_finder = AdminURLFinder()
        return f"{options['host']}{admin_url_finder.get_edit_url(obj)}"

    def get_apps_for_report(apps_prefix=None, excluded_apps=[]):
        """Return a list of apps we care about for the page types report."""

        if not apps_prefix:
            apps = [
                for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
                if not app.split(".")[0] in excluded_apps
            return apps

        return [
            for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
            if app.startswith(apps_prefix)
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